
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 111419527
2.   CN 4226939
3.   NL 3038398
4.   CA 2646026
5.   US 2456095
6.   DE 1620067
7.   BG 1027159
8.   IN 932850
9.   GB 748524
10.   RU 625588
11.   KR 398656
12.   VN 381912
13.   UA 377048
14.   BR 315581
15.   TW 298630
Top incident types by recorded incidents
1. minipot_smtp connect 61381130
2. minipot_smtp login 59210591
3. minipot_telnet connect 6025092
4. minipot_http connect 2558681
5. minipot_http message 1986477
6. minipot_ftp connect 1328931
7. minipot_ftp login 1057562
8. fwlogs small_port_... 433554
9. minipot_http login 395123
10. minipot_telnet login 343133
11. minipot_smtp invalid 123700
12. fwlogs big_port_scan 72301
13. minipot_http invalid 29338
14. minipot_telnet invalid 5631
15. minipot_ftp invalid 35
Top countries by recorded incidents
Top traps by recorded incidents
Top actions by recorded incidents